Smart Building > Efficient Classroom

OdinS enables a products and services kit to aim efficient classrooms in schools, high schools, universities, etc. Among different services that are provided in the same package we find the followings:
  • Smart control of lights and air conditioning
  • Control of presence of teachers and students
  • Activation of electrical and multimedia systems by the teacher
  • Energy monitoring and auditing
  • Remote maintenance of facilities
  • Combine offire and theft alarm control panels
  • Remote access from smartphone

The Faculty of Veterinary at University of Murcia has an efficient classroom with the features described above.

Products Used

Reader IPexRFID

IPex16 Datalogger


More Success Cases

Building Access Control

Tele-management of multiple buildings

Remote maintenance


    If you want more information about the products and services of OdinS, fill the following form with all your data and we will contact you.