R+D+i Projects

FlexUM – Flexibility services provision by UMU premises

IoT Crawler – A engine search for IoT

Fed4IoT – A Smart City Project

Meet the Plug-n-Harvest Project – United to change the World

ANASTACIA: Security and Trust in IoT Solutions

IoT@AS: Internet of Things & AgroSpaces

Platon IoT Plataform as Service for Infrastructure Management in Smart Cities

Hidroleaf Industria 4.0 for the vegetables production in intelligent containers using IoT technologies, hydroponics and LED lighting

Siroco: Industrial Information System

CpaaS.io: City Platform as a Service Integrated and Open

DRAINUSE: Reuse of drainage solutions in hydroponic crops in greenhouses

ARMOUR: Large scale experiments for Confidence and Security in IoT

SCICLO: ITS Cooperative Systems for Vulnerable Users in Two- Wheel Vehicles

SMARTIE: Secure and sMArter ciTIes data management

EDISON: Emerging Dynamic Intelligence for Smart Cities based on the Internet of Things

FOTsis: European Field Operational Test on Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable Road Operation

Walkie-Talkie: Vehicular Communication Systems to Enable Safer, Smarter, and Greener Transportation

IoT6: Universal Integration of the Internet of Things Through an IPv6-based Service Oriented Architecture enabling heterogenous components interoperability


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