Smart Building > Centralized security management in buildings

At present, several CARM buildings are equipped with OdinS products aiming to centralized security management. Several IPex16 drivers have been installed along with the OdinS City Explorer browser that manages the buildings monitoring. The remote control is operated from the monitoring center located in the Ministry of Economy and Finance by the CARM security staff. Different brands of fire alarm control panels have been implemented such as Notifier, Apollo, Kilsen, etc. Galaxy Honeywell is an integrated anti-theft mechanism that iButton system enables the access control. The facilities offered by our remote control system of fire and theft detection control panels in these buildings are the following:
  • Alerts and failures detection system at the fire and theft control panels both in the central and in the module
  • Re-tooling of fire alarm control panel and setting up / dismantling intrusion control panels
  • Enable / disable theft / fire devices and monitor siren system (mute), outputs, etc
  • Consultation and incidents reporting
Features included in the remote control of fire alarm control panels:
  • Setting up ACL users from and iButton identifier
  • Query and create access reports
  • Setting up actions to be performed after user verification, eg door opening, lighting, among others
Reina Sofía Hospital in Murcia is another example, it already has two sections of that building integrated into the OdinS City Explorer system, Pathological Anatomy and Dual Unit. In total, two IPex-16 controllers have been installed together with the Odin City Explorer browser that centralizes monitoring of fire alarm control panel. The remote control is carried out in the hospital security department by GrupoSureste personnel. The fire alarm control panel integrated in City Explorer is the Bosch FPA-500. Features included in the remote control of fire alarm control panels:
  • Alerts and failures detection system at the fire and theft control panels both in the central and in the module
  • Query and create access reports
  • Enable / disable theft / fire devices and monitor siren system (mute), outputs, etc.

Products Used


IPex04 Datalogger


More Success Cases

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Remote maintenance

Tele-management of multiple buildings


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