IoT@AS: Internet of Things & AgroSpaces

The project aims to develop an open platform for remote control and management of irrigation areas (STG) implementing new communications technologies, interoperable protocols and low cost of production for the integrated and efficient management of water and  energy in agricultural environment.

Agriculture is one of the most important economic and social sectors of our country, exceeding the 8% of GDP just as in Europe, especially in the Mediterranean region and in most countries of the Americas, Asia and Africa. Hence, the role of agriculture and irrigation because of their relevance in water management, need innovative technological solutions and the design of policies that support their deployment, favoring both the fight against water and climate vulnerabilities such as the appropriate economic development.

Current technological solutions do not fully cover the needs of irrigation communities and limit their capacities not allowing the management of interdependencies that affect the joint management of water and energy being monolithic and closed solutions.

IoT @ AS will provide an advanced data management platform based on the European FIWARE architecture that allows intelligent services in remote control and management of irrigation areas (STG), and interoperability between different manufacturers and consumers in the agricultural sector.

Furthermore, innovative equipment will be developed to combine new long-distance and low-power wireless technologies with satellite connections to enable economical and reliable solutions in different connectivity scenarios nationally and internationally.

IoT @ AS is a collaborative project between OdinS, EGATEL, ISOTRON, TRAGSA and INTEGRASYS that work together to assess their experience in applied engineering to irrigation systems and satellite communications and develop an innovative solution that solves the previous problems of interoperability, efficiency and connectivity by providing openness to new markets both nationally and internationally. The IoT @ AS project has been funded by the CDTI, supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, within the FEDER Innterconnecta Program 2016, Exp 00091605 / ITC – 20161045.